I LOVE summer, I really do, but I am craving some uninterrupted time.
When the kids are in school I very much enjoy my time with my Jesus. Getting the hubby off to work and the kids off to school and then sitting down with my Bible and my coffee usually is my favorite time of day. I adore my family they are everything to me next to my relationship with Christ. However, having the house all to myself for quiet time, which rarely is all that quiet, is special to me.
I usually begin with scripture reading; I am on my second time around of reading through the Bible in a year. Sometimes I will add a chapter or two from a book I may be reading like "Power of a Praying Wife". I end with prayer...always out loud and almost always with tears happy or sad; I'm weird like that. Monday I try to pray for everyone on my list and through out the week I break it up and focus more intently on specific people/situations/things. Sometimes I put on praise and worship music while I am praying and sing to the Father. Sometimes, my heart is so burdened or so full of love I just need to be at the feet of Jesus pouring out my heart. Whatever the day hold unless I have something planned I generally have as long as I need to spend with Jesus.
When my kids are out of school for the summer I love all the extra time I get with them, but I miss my lengthy very vocal times with my Jesus. I have tried to get up earlier, but somehow my Erika knows I am up and always joins me. :) I do tell them I am going to have my quiet time and close the door, but I get interrupted after awhile. I think it kinda scares them too to walk in and see mommy with tears rolling down her cheeks talking out loud to no one in the room. My kids are old enough to understand I am having a quiet time and what that means and they are respectful of that time... for awhile. I still have my time with Him it is just different when they are here vs. when they are not.
Today my heart is aching for some long, uninterrupted, all by myself, ugly crying, talking out loud, hands raised, heart poured out, standing in the gap for others time with my Jesus. I can't really explain it better than that.