Thursday, August 17, 2017

7 Days

 4 years ago I sat at my computer and wrote about the 4 years of High School coming our way.  4 years left with this girl.

I couldn't have even imagined then all that those 4 years would hold. I knew we were getting on a roller coaster ride, but man what a ride. I knew then it would go fast, but I had no idea how fast.
I wrote about how she was talking of going away for college, but neither of us had any idea how far away she would truly go.

Our family has been through more in 4 years than I would have ever thought possible.  Family members with cancer and other health challenges, school changes, learning (and struggling) to parent 2 teens well, I have worked off and on, marriage challenges, church changes, and more.  Through it ALL God has proven faithful, but the roller coaster ride has been fast and furious.

So here I sit 4 years later.  The house is quiet and I am once again feeling the affects of time.
7 days.  I have 7 days until she boards a plane and heads to Costa Rica.

She asked me yesterday how I was doing with this.  And so I told her....  It is harder every day.  I am crazy proud of you.  I KNOW this is right.  I have peace about you going.  I am just sad you won't be here.   I know you are coming back in 9 months, but you will be different, our relationship will be different.  I am excited for that, but a little sad about it too.  You are crossing over from being my child to being my friend.  You will always be my baby and I will always be your mom, but it will just be different.  For the last 18 years you have needed ME for things, but now you have to go "adult".  It is a good thing.  It is what parents are supposed to do, train you to go out and be and do all God made you for, still it is hard on a momma's heart.

 In 7 days I will stand in the Atlanta airport and hug her with 4 months of love (she is coming home for Christmas) and send her on an adventure of a lifetime. I will pray with all that I am that God does BIG things in and through her and I will always thank Him that the last 4 years didn't change her for bad but only became a part of her story.

She is an amazing woman.  She is made for amazing things for His Glory.

Go do Big things for the Kingdom baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Stacy and Rick, I'm sure you're beyond thankful for the heart Megan has for service to her Lord. It will be hard to see her go, but knowing that God is holding her in His mighty hands will make it much less painful. Our oldest grandson spent two months in Alaska on a BSU mission trip this summer, and he has grown so very much in his walk with Christ. I'll keep all of you in my prayers! <3
