Friday, March 29, 2013

Pause The Busy-ness

There have been several different blog posts floating around in my brain this week, but there just hasn't been time to write them.  Maybe that has been for good reason.  I have been thinking through it all this morning and decided to just sit and type and see what happens.

This week is Spring Break.  Usually that would mean a lot of sleeping in, staying up late, reading, outdoor fun, basically whatever we wanted to do.  This year, however, Megan went on a Mission trip, I am hosting Easter at our home, a death in our church family of a dear sweet lady, my regular household chores, and basically a legal pad two columns full of my 'to-do" list for this week. Needless to say my mind and heart haven't really been focused a whole lot on Holy week, but  more on all that I needed to get done.

The start of the week began with a death in our church family that left everyone reeling.  From diagnosis to death it all happened so quick.  She and her husband were/are pillars of faith in our church and instrumental in our visiting multiple times and eventually joining Ooltewah Baptist Church.  I sang with her in the choir, worked along side of her in Awana, and only knew her for 7 short months.  I wish it had been longer.  On Palm Sunday our church processed that news and Easter felt different this year.  Death is NOT final for Mrs. Elaine.  Death is NOT final for me.  Sin and death have been defeated.  Our  service was bitter sweet.  The message so good; I love when God takes something I have heard all my life and teaches me something new from it.

I left church Sunday morning ready to face the week in a state of worship all week.  I let life get in the way this week though.  There is SO much going on right now, most of it good things and more than this blog can hold, but they have kept me so busy I have not had my focus on having a heart of worship.

My "to do" list is almost completely marked off (Oh, my OCD crazy LOVES that!) and I will most likely get it all done before the family arrives Sunday afternoon.  This morning, however, when  someone on Facebook said "It's Friday but Sundays a comin;".  I HAD to stop.  Stop being busy.  Stop worrying about how I will get it all done. Stop and meditate on what happened on Good Friday. Stop and acknowledge that it was MY sin that held Him there.  Stop and reflect on the price that HAD to be paid and He willing paid it for ME. Stop and be thankful. Stop and praise Him that He is not dead, He is ALIVE!  My sin is forgiven, my debt has been paid, and death is not final!