Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sticks And Stones

One of my biggest pet peeves is people being mean/disrespectful to other people; whether it is to their face or behind their backs.  It happens on facebook everyday and it isn't just teenagers (or younger kids who really shouldn't even be on fb).  Grownups can be the meanest of all.  It starts at such a young age and carries on into our adult years.  This idea that if I make others feel small it will make me feel bigger/better. What are we teaching our kids????

I can not tell you how many conversations I have had with my girls in this last week about things people have said about them or things they have said about their sisters or other people.
I will be honest I have my moments. I can cut to the jugular with my words and maybe that is why I get so upset with others who do it.  I don't like that side of me.  When I am in the flesh I can hurt others.  When I am in The Spirit it hurts me to see people hurting others with their words.

The little song we all have sung as kids.."Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me."  It is the biggest lie out there.  Words hurt....DEEP.  Those hurts last a lifetime. We can't ever seem to get them out of our heads. 

It makes me angry to have conversations with my girls about things people say to them.  It leaves scars.  As their mom my words of encouragement and affirmation may help, but will never overcome the damage their peers have done. 

It makes me angry that my girls say hurtful things to each other as sisters or to their parents.
It makes me angry that my girls believe the hurtful lies people throw at them.
It makes me angry that society says if someone hurts you, hurt them back.
It makes me angry that peer pressure says its funny to make fun of other people...even in our church groups.

It makes me angry that females are the worst at doing this.
It makes me angry that I have done these things too.
It makes me sad.

Sarcasm, mean-ness, taunting, belittling, joking about how people look, act, hurts, it's mean, and if you (I) are a Christian it is damaging to your (my)testimony.

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