Monday, January 14, 2013

Megan and Missions

My Megan.  She is an amazing person.  We have told her all her life, since she was a baby, that God has special plans for her life.  When she was old enough to understand what we were saying she began to ask how we knew that to be true.  We have told her how we almost lost her in pregnancy.  We have told her about an early labor/delivery with some difficulties and how she wasn't breathing well when she was born.  We have told her about some health issues she had when she was little.  We have told her about 2 different near death experiences she had before she was 5 yrs. old.  We tell her that God could have taken her to heaven at any of those times, but He didn't.  We have told her over and over about how we see God moving in her life and about the spiritual growth we see in her.  We tell her we KNOW He has special plans for her life and if she will allow Him to lead her to that purpose she will see what an AWESOME God He is.

She is shy.  She is funny.  She is gifted.  She is independent.  She is strong-willed.  She is tender-hearted.    She is loyal.   She loves deeply.  She is a friend to the friendless.  She seeks out those standing in the shadows.  She has a broken heart for the lost kids in her school.  She teases her sister mercilessly, but will defend her fiercely.  She loves Jesus and she wants other to also.

When she was in second or third grade she got off the bus one afternoon a little sad.  I asked her what was wrong and she told me about a boy on her bus that she had been talking to about Jesus.  She told me with surprise that he didn't know who Jesus was and he had never had a Bible.  She was so shocked to hear that anyone wouldn't have a Bible.  She HAD to get him a Bible.  So we did, and she wrote in it for him and couldn't wait to give it to him.  She would ask him every day if he was reading it.  He was, with his mom.  We don't see him anymore and don't know the outcome, but I do know those are 2 people she planted seed in.

It isn't unusual for her to get in the car in the afternoon and with tears streaming tell me "I don't think 'so-and-so' is a Christian."  She will tell me what happened to bring her to that conclusion and then she will ALWAYS say to me "Mom, we have to start praying for them."  Then, she will make sure we do every night.

Last night we had a missions emphasis at our church.  We had never been to a service like this one, but our whole family enjoyed it very much.  We were split into groups and rotated between 3 sessions.  Megan was in a different group than the 3 of us and I wondered if she would be bored and not pay attention.  On the contrary, when we met up with her her face was lit up.  She couldn't quit talking about the youth missions trip being considered for 2014. In the car on the way home she couldn't contain herself.  She told us how enthralled she was in every session.  She was pulled into the stories of the missionaries, and the facts given about the need for workers.  Then she said something I didn't expect to hear "Mom, Dad, I think I want to be a missionary.  I know I will have to get over being shy and I will work on that, but I really think this is what I want to do."

We talked for a long time last night about missionaries.  Rick and I shared some of our short term mission trip experiences with her.  She shared with me before bed more reasons why she thought this might be what God is calling her to.  She teared up.  I did too.  We prayed together for God's guidance now and in the years to come.  WE prayed for her heart to be open and tender to His leading.  We prayed for the mission opportunities that are before us now.  We thanked God for our church and the heart the staff and the people have for missions. We thanked God for who He created her to be and the tender heart for the lost that He gave her.  We prayed for her protection from the evil one who will try to distract her.  We prayed for courage.  

I don't know where this road will lead.  I don't presume to know what God has planned for my girl, but I am privileged to be her mom and to be along for the ride.

My Megan.  She is an amazing person!


  1. megan IS an amazing person! so happy to hear how God is working in her life!

  2. Thank you ladies. She read your comments and just smiled big. :)
