Friday, July 8, 2016

Dear 30 year old Me

Dear 30 yr old Me,

You have a 3-year-old and an 8-year-old.  You are working.  A LOT.  It all seems so overwhelming and you are longing for the day when it gets easier.

Each day you are just trying to get through and ending with guilt that says you didn't do enough.

You are looking forward to the days when the kids are older.  Old enough to take care of things for themselves.  Old enough to help you with more around the house.  Old enough to .......

You are also stressing that you aren't spending enough time with them now. You are so tired and they are getting the short end of the stick.

10 years from now you are going to be staring at them realizing they are old enough for all those things you were wishing for 10 years ago.  Now you have one that is about to be a Senior in H.S. and one about to go into 7th grade.  A Senior.  Oh dear Jesus, how did we get here so fast?!?!

So self, slow down!  Realize that all the stressers of the day are temporary.  The little things are just that, little things.  Soak it up.  And when you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up.  They are gonna happen and life is going to keep moving.  FAST.

You have beautiful girls.  They are funny, smart, talented, gifted, loving girls.  Enjoy every aspect of them.  They are also strong-willed and that is NOT bad.  Guide that, teach them how to channel that into something to use for God.

Pray for them, over them, and with them. Because the world is against them and Satan is going to attack them.

Right now it seems impossible to realize that one day they will be grown and you WILL indeed miss this phase, but I promise at 40 you will begin to see that one day (way too soon) they will be aching to spread their own wings and be grown. You will want to go back and soak up every single second.

If I could tell you anything it would be that you are enough.  You are enough for them even on your bad days because you are the mom ordained for them to have. Hug them, read to them, watch that movie with them, dance in the car with them, be silly with them, laugh with them, and when you mess up apologize to them and keep moving.  Teach them every day about Jesus, teach them to KNOW who they are in Christ, teach them to serve God and others. Teach them that they are enough too; they are enough to do whatever God has planned for them to do.

The next 10 years are going to be a roller coaster.  Some days you are just going to want to get off.  But don't quit momma.  Hang in there.  It is worth the ride.

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